CV Raman

CV Raman

In a world of science, so cool and bright, There was a guy, oh, what a sight! C.V. Raman, a curious fellow, Playing with light, like a friendly, smart jello. Born in India, where stories unfold, C.V. Raman’s tale, oh, so bold! In his lab, where things did glow, He discovered secrets, don’t you know? Light danced around, oh, what fun! In a prism party, it had begun. Raman looked close, with twinkling eyes, A surprise awaited, what a nice surprise! The Raman Effect, a fancy name, But it’s not a boring, grown-up game. Light scattered, molecules chattered, In the world of science, dreams got flattered. Nobel Prize, a shiny crown, For Raman, a guy of great renown. Physics clapped, and so did we, For our friend C.V. Raman, full of glee. In the science halls, his stories linger, A cosmic dance, a scientific singer. A hero for us, both big and small, C.V. Raman, you’re the coolest of all!

Rishika Kapur

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